Saturday, March 02, 2013

Tips on Wine Tasting

Here's how to avoid the common faux pas that both amuse and annoy the people who have to pour at the winery...and I'm guilty of a few of these myself.

Tips are from this month's Franciscan news letter with my added commentary.

*Don't Smoke - why dull your taste buds? Save the cuban for later.

*Take it easy on the perfume or cologne guys. I like to smell the wine in the glass not you! And watch out for scented lipstick or lipbalm - or that is all you will smell on your Reidel. (rhymes with needle)

*Don't hog the table Bob! Sure we all want to learn - ask a question as you make room for someone else to get their glass filled. Dude You Fascinate Me - Move aside, move aside...we all hate the big guy who camps out at the table.

*Don't ask a question you already know the answer too...just to impress your friends!
Guilty as charged...but I normally do this to test the knowledge of the pourer. Most of the time it just pisses off the host and does not impress your friends.

*Don't name drop (no explanations needed)

*Don't rinse your glass with the nastly chlorinated water in the jug. Sometimes I've had the pourer do this - yikes. Your glass does not need rinsing between tastes, all your doing is diluting the next wine. Still compelled to so with the next wine!

*Don't lift your glass up suddenly when the wine is being poured. Now you know how the big puddles of red wine on the tablecloth get there. Put your glass on the table for an easy target.

*Don't be afraid to ask for more of something you really liked, but don't be a hog.

*Don't get drunk - oops. It would be a shame if don't remember the wines or all of your new friends that you think you've impressed by asking questions you already know the answers to!

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