Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Arnie at Luna Wine Tasting at the Cellar in Old Town La Quinta

Even though it was pouring outside - everyone was in good spirits, after all it was Bob Hope Classic week in La Quinta and Arnold Palmer was on hand for a Luna Wine Tasting at The Cellar in Old Town.
Luna produces some fine wines including Sangiovese and a Arnold Palmer Reserve Cabernet.They also have a line of wine with Arnold Palmer's name and it is the house wine at his restaurant "Palmers" in La Quinta.
It's a great week when you meet Arnold, break 90 a few times and even see Big Horn Sheep at the Palmer Private course at PGA West.
Old Town La Quinta is a great spot with Hog's Breath Inn, Devanne's, Desert Sage and El Ranchito all with in a few blocks of each other...-Brian